Terms of use


When we refer to "the TaskCollect software", we refer to any revision of the software that is contained in and/or built from the official TaskCollect source code repository, without any modification. When we speak of "the TaskCollect development team", "the TaskCollect team", "us", "we", and "our", we refer to the software development team which coordinates, manages, and contributes to the development of the TaskCollect software. When we refer to "TaskCollect", we refer to instances of the TaskCollect software that are set up and managed by the TaskCollect development team.

When we speak of your "use" or "using" TaskCollect, we refer to any interaction with any of the running instances of TaskCollect managed by the official TaskCollect development team.

"Terms of use" refers to this document. "Service" refers to all that TaskCollect provides for its users (see the section "What we provide").

Service provider

These terms of use apply to the use of TaskCollect instances set up and managed by the TaskCollect development team. If you are not using such an instance, you should could consult the terms of use for the TaskCollect instance you are using.

Official TaskCollect services are provided by the TaskCollect development team, represented online by the Codeberg e.V. user accounts kvo and TaskCollect. The TaskCollect development team can be contacted using the following official contact information:

Email: ~kvo/taskcollect@lists.sr.ht

Contact information may be subject to change. You should consult the latest revision of these terms of user for accurate contact information.

What we provide

TaskCollect provides students access to various educational material and school-related data from other online platforms that the students' schools use. We reserve the right to terminate the services we provide through TaskCollect at any time.

Your relationship with TaskCollect

These terms of user govern your use of TaskCollect and your relationship with the TaskCollect development team. By using TaskCollect, you agree to these terms of use. If you do not wish to comply with the terms of use at any point during your use of TaskCollect, you must not use TaskCollect.

Permitted methods of use

By using TaskCollect, you agree to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You shall not knowingly disrupt, halt, pause, or otherwise interfere with the operations of TaskCollect without the express permission of the TaskCollect development team.
  2. You shall not attempt to gain any form of access to the computer(s) TaskCollect is running on without the express permission of the TaskCollect development team.
  3. You shall not use TaskCollect to inflict any harm (in any form) on any other individual or group of people.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in the prevention of the offending user(s) from logging into TaskCollect, blocking computer network traffic by IP address, and any other measure deemed necessary by us to prevent harm to TaskCollect or others.

Termination of use

You may choose to terminate your use of TaskCollect at any time. In doing so, you may choose to recommence your use of TaskCollect at any time as well.

Your use of TaskCollect may also be terminated by the TaskCollect development team should we deem your use of TaskCollect harmful to service availability and performance, should we wish to terminate the TaskCollect service, or for any other reason.

Disclaimer of warranty and liability

While we try to ensure that TaskCollect provides the best possible service for its users, the service is provided on "as-is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the TaskCollect team be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with TaskCollect or the use of TaskCollect.